news – page 29 – eisai china lnc.-pg电子app

news – page 29 – eisai china lnc.-pg电子app

“we-orthopedics” is a wechat public platform developed in response to the mass’s reduced dependency on pc terminals and increasing application of mobile pone app wechat. as the first wechat public platform of eisai, “we-orthopedics” is positioned as a platform designed for chinese orthopedists for the purpose of academic exchange in orthopedics and release of latest news, eisai orthopedics product information and events. it is also an aggressive exploration of eisai orthopedics team amidst the tide of e-promotion.

since its launch in sep. 2013, “we-orthopedics” phase-i, targeting at attracting orthopedists’ eyes, organized the wechat medical cases voting campaign. during the 2-month campaign, “we-orthopedics” attracted 2360 followers in total. “we-orthopedics” phase-ii targets at maintaining users’ loyalty with enriched contents and interactions. a brand new “we-orthopedics” is expected to be launched in late november. this wechat platform offers a variety of contents, covering we-news (orthopedics scholar and industrial news), face-to-face interactions with orthopedics specialists, information on eisai product campaigns, we-orthopedics knowledge contest, treasure hunt game (product info embedded) and entertainment news on fridays (relating to medical treatment).

this innovative wechat platform is well received by orthopedists. eisai orthopedics team will continue to explore e-promotion techniques in the field of medicine so as to create win-win solutions for corporations and customers and eventually bring benefit to patients.

osteoporosis is a latent and degenerative disease featured by high morbidity, disability rate and fatality rate. 69,440,000 persons of those aged 50 or above suffer from osteoporosis. the fatalness of osteoporotic fracture is 40% for women and 13% for men. for those suffering from osteoporotic fragility fracture on hip, 20% will die from complications of this disease, 30% become permanently disable, 40% lose the ability of independent ambulation, and 50% lose the ability of self-care after one year. meanwhile, medical staff serving those patients has to work for long hours under tremendous pressure. what’s more, physicians are also victims of diseases. they are exposed to twice higher risk of diseases than the peers. in particular, the physicians aged 40 or above are exposed to a much higher risk of geriatric diseases than average. the medical staff who brings health and happiness to patients also requires our concern and care.

the public service activity titled “osteoporosis-care for doctors” jointly sponsored by china association of health promotion and education and eisai china inc. was officially kicked off on may 3 in beijing hospital, marking the start of this large-scale public benefit campaign that will last for 3 months and cover more than 40 cities across china. sticking to the tenet of “concern, prevention and action”, the sponsors of this activity organized lectures on osteoporosis risk screening and health knowledge for medical staff, for the purpose of enhancing medical staff’s concern on their health and helping them acquire the knowledge on osteoporosis prevention and mitigate the risk and hazard associated with osteoporosis by means of early prevention & diagnosis and regulated treatment.

yin dakui, president of china association of health promotion and education and former vice-minister of national health and family planning commission, and liu keling, standing vice-president and secretary-general of china association of health promotion and education both spoke highly of this activity. at the kick-off meeting, wang jianye, secretary of the party committee of beijing hospital pointed out that this activity is launched at the right moment as medical staff calls for immediate public concern and care. pan wei, senior manager of pc-bu marketing section of eisai china primarily introduced eisai’s hhc (human health care) concept and expressed eisai’s resolution to offer its full support in bringing this activity to fruition.

prof. sun mingxiao, deputy head of the secretion department of beijing hospital and an expert in osteoporosis, delivered a special report titled “healthy bone and happy life”, mainly introducing how to effectively prevent and cure osteoporosis. he especially recommended vitamin k2 preparation as a safe drug for improving bone quality.

meanwhile, nearly 200 medical workers from beijing hospital and tongren hospital and 10 domestic media attended and raised questions at the kick-off meeting.

after the meeting, prof. sun mingxiao said that she acquired knowledge on vk2 and osteoporosis through lectures and hoped to apply glakay® capsules with the least delay possible to experience for herself this product’s remedies to osteoporosis. other doctors from tongren hospital and beijing hospital present at the kick-off meeting also expressed that many medicines are available for osteoporosis but only eisai and its glakay® products truly care for the health of medical workers. among 121 feedback questionnaires completed and submitted by medical workers from beijing hospital, 110 registered and applied to get glakay® samples.

the information on this kick-off meeting was also released on , ,  and . 74 in-house lectures are expected to be held in the incoming may-july across the country, covering doctors of 5000 person-time.

the opening ceremony of eisai youth elite training camp and award ceremony of eisai scholarship 2011 jointly organized by the student affairs office and youth league committee of shanghai jiao tong university (“sjtu”) school of medicine was held at 9:00 a.m. on jul. 5 in the conference room 201 of scientific education building at ruijin hospital. huang gang, the deputy dean of sjtu school of medicine, liu ye, the general manager of eisai china, zhou liwen, the head of eisai china tumor business unit, wang changchun, the senior manager of eisai china medicine business unit, tang hua, the chief of student affairs office, zhu jianheng, the secretary of youth league committee and more than 30 elite student representatives of sjtu school of medicine attended this meeting hosted by mr. zhu jianzheng.

huang gang, the deputy dean of sjtu school of medicine made a speech at the beginning of the meeting, stating that sjtu school of medicine has been gradually deepening its cooperation with eisai china which funds three scholarship programs for the school of medicine to cultivate elite students in various professions. he added that eisai china sticks to the social responsibilities which are perfectly in harmony with the philosophy of “medicine boosts scientific advancement” advocated by sjtu school of medicine.

following that, tang hua, the chief of student affairs office announced the winners of the scholarships and expressed his expectations on these students and his gratitude to eisai china on behalf of the school of medicine.

then chen yan, a student majoring in prophylaxis 2007 made a statement on behalf of all the students present. she firstly expressed her opinions on the sense of responsibility proposed by mr. huang gang in his speech and then summarized her gains and knowledge accumulations from 5-year learning at the university, concluding her words with the commitment of contributing to the society and the medicine undertaking with the support of scholarships.

finally, liu ye, the general manager of eisai china expounded on the relations of medical treatment & medicine, medical corporations & hospitals, and doctors & mrs in a vivid and witty way. he then expressed his hopes that the students about to take up clinical positions would bring benefit to the society with their growth and serve the society with their knowledge and that eisai and sjtu school of medicine would further deepen mutual cooperation.

besides, zhou liwen, the head of eisai china tumor business unit and yu liwei, a member of the youth association of sjtu school of medicine delivered speeches titled devotion and gratitude to medicine and how student leaders grow into elites respectively and interacted actively with the students, marking the opening of the training camp.

the scholarship programs funded by eisai china are an essential part of linkage of sjtu school of medicine’s training system of innovative talents with social enterprises intended for collaboration of college and enterprise and joint cultivation. the students said, by attending the ceremony, they not only understand the real relationship between medical corporations and medical college students but also realize the broad prospects in medial cooperation. moreover, it is a good opportunity for them to learn the essential attainments and qualities of student leaders. all of the above arouse their sense of responsibility to their professions and the society and they’ll benefit from the knowledge and skills acquired during the event for life.

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  1. 客户管理:协助整理和完善区域的crm客户档案;
  2. 产品知识:熟练掌握公司产品知识,并有效传达给临床医生/学术带头人;
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  2. 较强的分析问题、解决问题的能力;
  3. 愿意接受挑战,具备较强的沟通及表达能力;
  4. 良好的团队合作精神,积极主动,吃苦耐劳;
  5. 一周至少保证三天的工作时间。


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on the afternoon of december 28, 2011,eisai pharmacy grant award ceremony was ceremoniously held at 155 conference room, red building, suzhou university. ms. yue wenqin, vice general manager of eisai (china) inc, mr. dong suxuan, regional manager of basic treatment division, ms gu chunmei, branding deputy manager of digestive hepatic disease division, mr. xue hui, director of office of development committee of suzhou university, mr. dai rongming, secretary of party & union committee of medical department, ms. jiang haiyan, cpc party secretary of nursing college, mr. ge zhiqiang, deputy dean of preclinical medicine & bioscience college, mr. zhang xuenong, deputy dean of pharmaceutical college attended the award ceremony. the awarding ceremony was moderated by li chunhong, director of student affairs office of medical department.

      the award ceremony started punctually at 3:30 pm. first, secretary dai delivered a speech. he expressed thanks to eisai (china) inc for the great support to the students of suzhou university over the past decade, and put forward three points of requirements for the grant-wining and grant-aided students:first, they should keep in mind the deep love and strong support from eisai, second, they should study hard and diligently to enhance themselves in an all-round way to lay a solid foundation for becoming pillars of the society in the future, third, they should feel indebted,always bearing a debt of gratitude to face life and future.
        and then, ms. yue wenqin, vice general manager of eisai (china) inc presented the background information and eisai inc and the purpose of setting up the scholarship and grant to the teachers and students present, hoping the students to study hard during the undergraduate time to create a bright future for themselves, and hoped to have further cooperation with medical department in the future.
       after the guests attending the ceremony awarded scholarships and grant to the scholarship-winning and grant-aided students in batches and took group photos with them as a souvenir, lisa li, a 2008 medical inspection major made a speech on behalf of the scholarship-winning and grant-aided students. she expressed thanks to eisai (china) inc and also the development with utmost attention from the school and all the students for the students,and committed solemnly to work harder to live up to the expectations on the students of suzhou university.
       next, mr. xue hui, director of office of development committee of suzhou university awarded the donation certificate to ms. yue wenqin of eisai (china) inc and delivered a speech. director xue appreciated the generous financial aid of eisai (china) inc over the past decadeand hoped the two units to maintain long-term friendly partnerships and further expand cooperative fields to realize win-win results.
      finally, all the guests attending the award ceremony took group photos together the the students at the red building square as a souvenir.
on the afternoon of november 22nd, 2011, zhongshan university annual scholarship award ceremony for 2011 was held at the k .k. leung hall located at south campus of the university. the honorable guests from the award donated organizations, leaders of the university, and more than 1000 student representatives of bearing the palm participated.
the deputy secretary of zhongshan university committee of chinese communist party announced the honorable roll resolution and made a speech. after made congratulation to the prize-awarding groups and individuals he expressed sincere gratitude to the representatives of organizations who donated the prizes to the school. the representatives from the donated enterprises made a speech as well to encourage the students study hard and to return to the society with more knowledge and more ability. mr. yukio akada, the presindent of the eisai china lnc., went up onto the platform to issue the scholarship award for the medical college students taking group photo to mark the occasion.
taking the hhc (human health care) as corporation commitment, eisai china lnc. not only provides high-quality, environmental-friendly, safe, and satisfied products and services to patients and their family members, but also actively repays the society by making unceasing efforts in contributing to development of china’s pharmacy market. eisai china lnc. has set up eisai scholarship at zhongshan university since 2006, with a prize of rmb100,000 annually for the outstanding medicine students.
adhering to the hhc(human health care)enterprise purpose, eisai china lnc. complies with ethics codes and fulfills gmp quality standards to provide patients and their families with high quality, eco-friendly, safe and satisfactory products and services and plays an active role in fulfilling our social responsibility by sponsoring pharmacy scholarship and making unremitting efforts to promote healthy development of china’s pharmaceutical market. to this end, eisai china has sponsored “eisai scholarship” at suzhou pharmaceutical technology school, denoting an annual amount of rmb 20,000 to incentivize excellent students.
          on the morning of september 30, 2011, eisai china lnc. held 2011 “eisai scholarship” award ceremony at suzhou pharmaceutical technology school. a total of 20 students with excellent academic achievements were awarded “eisai scholarship”. mr. wan, director of manufacturing department on behalf of all the staff of eisai china lnc. was present the award ceremony and delivered a speech. the partnership formed between eisai (suzhou) company and suzhou pharmaceutical technology school has gone a long way. every year we recruited a number of graduating students of suzhou pharmaceutical technology school to our company as interns or our regular employees. many graduates of suzhou pharmaceutical technology school are engaged on the pharmaceutical field in areas such as manufacturing, quality control, inspection and logistics, etc, acting as supervisors, engineers, analysts and technicians respectively, who are making their contributions to the development of the company. we hope “eisai scholarship” will incentivize more excellent students to stand out, becoming interdisciplinary and excellent pharmaceutical talents of high moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetical standards.
hello, everyone,
very pleased to inform you that eisai china inc.(eci) formally launched its official website.
eci website was built according to global website guideline and keep accordance with other eisai company. it provides company history, profile and product information etc, and update company news and recruitment information timely. at the same time, it led users to know and understand company culture and hhc philosophy of eisai. we believe it will function as a bridge between eci and its customers.
please give more attention !
thank you !
on the afternoon of march 4th, 2010, zhongshan university annual scholarship award ceremony for 2010 was held at the k .k. leung hall located at south campus of the university. guests from the award donated organizations, leaders of the university, and more than 1000 student representatives participated.
the deputy secretary of zhongshan university announced scholarship list and made a speech. after made congratulation to scholarship-awarded groups and individuals he expressed sincere gratitude to the representatives of organizations. the representatives from the donated organizations made a speech and encouraged students study hard, reward the society with more knowledge and more ability. mr. akihito tsuge, vice general manager of eisai china inc., went up onto the platform to issue the scholarship award for the medical college students and took group photos with them.
taking the hhc (human health care) as corporation commitment, eisai china inc. not only provides high-quality, environmental-friendly, safe, and satisfied products and services to patients and their family members, but also actively repays the society by making unceasing efforts in contributing to development of china’s pharmacy market. eisai china inc. has set up eisai scholarship at zhongshan university since 2006, with a prize of rmb100,000 annually for the outstanding medical students.
ten-year partnership reaps rich fruits
excitement flickers in the peacefulness and vigorous spirit overflows in the tranquility on the campus of suzhou university in the afternoon. under such harmonious ambience, eisai china 2010 pharmacy scholarship award ceremony was held at bingling library on the dushu lake campus on december 29, 2010.
present at the award ceremony are executives of eisai china inc and suzhou university along with scholarship-winning students.
the ceremony starts at 2:30 pm, first, dean zhen xuechu delivered a speech. he extends heartfelt thanks to eisai china inc for ten years of unremitting support and hopes more cooperation henceforward with eisai china inc in r & d, technical support, etc.
after that, mr. tsuge akihit, vice general manager of eisai china inc made a speech. he makes the commitment that eisai china inc will always adhering to putting the “hhc”(human health care) philosophy into day-to-day work and hopes that the medical university students today will continuously strive for the pharmaceutical cause and make more contributions to society after graduation. following mr. tsuge akihit’s speech comes the exciting moment, mr. ge zhiqiang, vice president of medical college announced the scholarship winners. he encouraged the students to guard against conceit and make unremitting efforts to score even greater achievements.
at the ensuing award ceremony, the scholarship winners come onto the stage in turn to be awarded the scholarship with smiling faces. following that, a scholarship-winning student made a speech on behalf of all the winners. she makes the commitment to strive to become a good doctor whole-heartedly serving people. the ceremony comes to the close. all the people take photos at the entrance to the library as a memento to mark this valuable occasion.
