news – page 30 – eisai china lnc.-pg电子app

news – page 30 – eisai china lnc.-pg电子app

in pursuit of its human health care philosophy, eisai china, inc. (eci) proactively fulfills its corporate social responsibilities by helping promote the advancement of medical sciences in china. to this end, eci established the eisai scholarship grant at suzhou pharmaceutical technology school, donating a total of rmb20,000 annually to fund scholarships awarded to deserving students.

the 2010 eisai scholarship award ceremony was held at the suzhou pharmaceutical technology school on september 29, 2010. a total of 20 students with excellent academic achievements received the award. mr. wan, director of eci’s manufacturing department, gave the speech and presented the awards on behalf of eci.

the partnership between eci’s suzhou factory and suzhou pharmaceutical technology school (spts) goes a long way back. every year, eci recruits a number of new graduates from spts either as interns or employees. many of these graduates now work in suzhou factory in the areas of manufacturing, quality control, inspection and logistics, in various positions such as supervisors, engineers, analysts and technicians. these graduates are now making valuable contributions to the development of the company.

eci hopes to maintain the eisai scholarship grant in order to encourage students to excel in interdisciplinary sciences, thereby producing graduates with high intellectual capability, ethical and moral standards.

on september 11, 2010, eci held a press conference and kick off ceremony in beijing to launch the “yellow handkerchief love action” event this year. this activity is aimed at appealing to the public nationwide to pay more attention to and care for dementia patients and to make concerted efforts in the prevention and treatment of dementia.
the yellow handkerchief love action series was launched in 2006 in collaboration with the alzheimer’s and related diseases commission of china senile healthcare. this is an ongoing project that calls the attention and participation of people from all walks of life.
each year on september 21, alzheimer’s associations around the world unite to celebrate world alzheimer’s day and join in efforts to raise awareness of as well as the prevention and treatment of the disease. as part of this effort, eci organized large-scale free medical consultation and treatment events in six major cities in china (qingdao, xian, tianjin, wuhan, chongqing and nanjing). over 4,000 doctors participated in these events, which draws thousands of elderly people each year. in a similar effort, 120 grade-a hospitals across china have set up alzheimer’s disease centers and carried out small-scale free medical consultation and treatment events.
in fulfillment of its corporate social responsibility, eci will continue to proactively participate in activities aimed at disseminating knowledge of alzheimer’s disease, advocating care for the elderly, and helping to create a harmonious society.
(april 19, 2010)    eisai china, inc. today donated rmb309,000 worth of antibiotic drugs to yushu area, qinghai province which was heavily damaged when a m7.1 strong earthquake struck the area on april 14. upon hearing the news of the disaster, eci took action and learned that people in the earthquake-stricken area were in dire need of antibiotics among other common drugs. eci immediately made arrangements to deliver antibiotics to the area through the general hospital of pla lanzhou military area, thus, helping the community in its medical relief efforts.
with human health care as its mission statement and in pursuit of the hhc spirit, eisai china, inc. is actively fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities in china by providing patients and their families with safe, high quality products and services and giving back to society by supporting programs and efforts aimed at improving healthcare.



